Server Stats

More zombies have been killed on this server than the entire population of California, population 36,756,666.
That is almost more than the entire population of Northeast (US), population 54,924,779!

Server Summary
Total players:27,227
Total points:162,837,474
Infected Killed:48,276,232
Survivors Killed:0
Headshot Ratio:0 %
Points per Minute:0.00
Boomer Average:0
Hunter Average:0
Smoker Average:0
Spitter Average:0
Jockey Average:0
Charger Average:0
Tank Average:0
Infected Kills Summary
Infected TypeKills
Common Infected39,246,170
Infected Awards Summary
All Survivors Dead0
Perfect Blindness0
Hunter Perfect Pounce0
Hunter Nice Pounce0
Survivors Incapacitated0
Caused Ledge Grab0
Scattering Ram0
Survivor Awards Summary
Protected Friendlies4,487,723
Revived Friendlies2,535,160
Medkits Given1,009,968
Pills Given305,517
Tanks Killed with No Deaths294,277
Tanks Killed with Team152,239
Adrenalines Given151,759
Rescued Friendlies136,709
Safe Houses Reached with All Survivors0
Ammo Upgrades Deployed0
Crowned Witches0
Gas Canisters Poured0
Leveled Charges0
Saved Friendlies from Chargers0
Saved Friendlies from Jockeys0
Saved Friendlies from Smokers0
Saved Friendlies from Hunters0
Campaigns Completed0
Demerits Summary
Friendlies Left For Dead6,480,648
Infected Let In Safe Room395,354
Incapacitated Friendlies322,748
Teammates Killed1,551
Friendly Fire Incidents0
Witches Disturbed0
Gamemodes Summary
All0.00 seconds (0 min)